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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Liver

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Cirrhosis - Physical Findings, Eric's Medical Lectures (18:31)

The discussion on cirrhosis begins with the causes that lead to cirrhosis. Common physical findings are described and then the pathophysiological mechanisms that cause the different findings are described. furthermore, tests characteristics are also discussed, as they can be used to estimate the probability of cirrhosis in a patient. The video concludes with a reference on what the evidence is for different findings. The video is well organized and easy to follow to understand cirrhosis.  

Liver Cirrhosis, Armando Hasudungan (20:08)

Through drawings, liver cirrhosis is well explained. The explanation begins with a review of anatomy and physiology. Portal hypertension and hepatic damage are described in detail. In addition, oesophageal varices, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, are hepatic encephalopathy covered with good summary notes.

Pathophysiology of Cirrhosis, Andrew Wolf (21:14)

Causes of cirrhosis is first listed, and then the video focuses on ethanol leading to inflammation. It then spends time on describing in detail how ethanol breakdown occurs. The next focus is on stellate cells. Overall, this video does a great job at creating a flow chart while discussing the stated topics. This allows you to easily see how everything fits together.   

Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension, the study spot (8:14)

The causes, pathology, and clinical presentation of cirrhosis are first described. Then the focus shifts to portal hypertension. In this video, as the presentation on the two diseases is made, notes are also written on a white screen. by the end of the video, all the notes are on the slide, so you can pause the video at the end and quickly review what was covered.

About Cirrhosis - Medical Animation, Up Date Physician (7:24)

The is an animation showing what occurs in cirrhosis. THe animation is well created and well explained with labels and headings to also explain what is being discussed.


Viral Hepatitis Made Simple!, Simple Science Answers (40:46)

The video does a really good job at providing basic information for you to gain a general understanding. Then, types A-E, with majority of the time spent on Hepatitis B, are discussed with cause and type of virus. Blood levels, labs, surface antigens, and antibodies are also covered. Quick notes are written on the screen as the discussion is taking place.

Hepatitis, Podmedics (8:22)

This short video covers risk factors and symptoms on a slide. The advantage of this video is it discusses the five types in a table, so you can easily compare and contrast them in terms of virus, antibody, time, and mode of transmission. The virology for hepatitis B with surface antibodies and antigens are also presented in a chart.

Hepatitis B lecture Video, ftplectures (51:54)

A great video resource to thoroughly understand Hepatitis B. The structure of the virus is well labeled and described. The mode of transmission and pathogenesis is described. The serologic course is described to differentiate acute and chronic cases. How to diagnose and treatments are also discussed.  

Medical School - Hepatitis B Serology, iMedicalSchool (7:40)

Quick and simple explanation of hepatitis B serology. It is explained with a graphic that allows you to see everything on one screen by the end of the video.

Microbiology - Hepatitis C Virus, Armando Hasudungan (11:34)

Using hand drawn illustrations, the structure of the virus is well described before discussing how and where the invasion occurs, as well as how the virus replicates within the hepatocyte.

Other Liver Diseases

Liver Diseases Explained Clearly, MEDCRAMvideos (14:07)

Acute disorders to Hepatitis A, B, and C, Alcohol, and Ischemia are discussed in a table with ALT, AST, history, and diagnosis. The table is especially helpful to compare and contrast the different disease. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, alcohol, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson’s, and alpha-antitrypsin are compared for chronic diseases of the liver.

Liver Diseases | Cholestatic Disease | Explained Clearly, MEDCRAMvideos (5:14)

Liver diseases are continued in this video, focusing on primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and large bile duct obstruction.

Alcoholic Liver Pathology and Pathophysiology, the study spot (8:25)

The video begins with explaining how the normal liver looks and then goes on to describe serum markers. It then transitions to describe steatosis and hepatitis and discusses both in good detail to develop an understanding of the pathophysiology.

Hepatic Abscess or Liver Abscess, the study spot (19:04)

Hepatic abscess are described in categories of three types: Pyogenic, Amoebic abscess, and Hydatid. The cause, clinical presentation, labs and radiology, and treatment are reviewed for each of the three categories. A few CT images are also presented.  

Liver Metabolic Disorders, the study spot (9:46)

Hereditary Hemochromatosis, Wilson's Disease, and Alpha 1 Anti-trypsin are discussed in detail using text images to describe each disorder.